Resources for seniors discovering cannabis

Something we are passionate about at Capturing Eden is our ability to find resources and information for educating our bud-tenders and our customers. Since legalization of cannabis, many seniors lived through prohibition years and are asking questions, curious if cannabis could be something they might enjoy. Now that legal consumption is in the spotlight, there are lots of questions that are challenging to comment on as recreational budtenders.

We want our customers to know that we care about their stories and all the things they share with us while choosing a product. I know personally, as a bud-tender, some of the best parts of my day, are the ways in which our customers share snippets of their life with us. Many folks are relying on our staff to help them choose the right fit for the products they choose. Many aren’t aware though, that there are limits, due to our recreational boundaries, that we aren't able to begin to "prescribe" cannabis. A medical professional specializing in Cannabis medicine is always the right choice when you have health related questions. We are able to talk about potency, flavour, effect, but not give the impression on what the effects will be for each person. What we share is often personally antidotal. This being said, when we find helpful resources for customers, beyond what we can offer, in the public domain, we love to share them.

Recently, we discovered this great non profit organization Active Aging Canada which has done an amazing job of covering all the bases, and answering many common questions people have when trying CBD and THC products for the first time.

There is a handy booklet available for download, that includes a cannabis diary, to help folks track what is working for them, and to help them develop and informed approach to their decision to enjoy the benefits of cannabis. We hope that in sharing collective knowledge, we promote the enjoyment many experience from legal cannabis.


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