Terpene Series: Humulene

Humulene, named after Humulus lupulus, the common hop plant, naturally occurs in many plants, including cannabis, hops, black pepper, basil, ginseng, and sage. It is a common terpene and contributes to the earthy smell and taste of certain cannabis strains that are abundant in humulene.

Humulene is known for its spicy, earthy, and woody flavour, which can be reminiscent of a beer with a high hop content.  

Many cannabis strains that have an aroma of hops or fresh herbs with a peppery edge indicate high humulene concentrations.

Similar to both myrcene and
pinene, humulene is a fundamental element in the overall aromatic profile of cannabis.

However, humulene usually appears in slightly smaller quantities than its terpene counterparts, often taking a back seat in a cultivar’s flavour profile with its subtle notes of earth and florals.

Humulene shares the same chemical formula as its close relative, β-caryophyllene, however, the two sesquiterpenes differ in structure. Many of the same plants containing β-caryophyllene—such as basil, sage, and clove—also contain humulene, and the two have very similar aromas.


Terpene Series: Limonene


Terpene Series: Geraniol