Terpene Series: Terpinolene

Terpinolene is a common terpene present in the cannabis plant that is recognizable for its woody aroma along with citrus and floral notes. Also referred to as alpha terpinolene, the terpene's effects may be mild to moderately sedative. If you've ever picked up a pine cone and sniffed its fresh woody aroma, then you have experienced the terpinolene smell, which is found in coniferous trees. Likewise, if you have stirred sage or rosemary into a sauce, then you have also experienced terpinolene. As essential oils, sage and rosemary also emit a fresh aroma, partially credited to terpinolene.

Terpinolene occurs naturally in sage, lilac, rosemary, conifer trees, apple trees, and tea trees and is a constituent of many essential oils. Early research shows terpinolene benefits may include antifungal, antibacterial, and anticancer properties in addition to potentially calming the central nervous system.terpinolene may induce minor drowsiness with its sedative properties.The terpinolene terpene has also proven useful as an element in soaps and other cleaning agents, as well as fragrances and insect repellents.

Terpinlone has a boiling point of 186 Degrees Celsius 


Terpene Series: Pinene


Terpene Series: Ocimene